Thanks for visiting my website. You can find out more about me by clicking on the”Explore” button, or by directly going to the “About” page.
My name is Mustafa, I’m a Professional SDET(Software Engineer Developer In Test). I’ve been in the SDET industry for more than 4 years now. I’ve had experience working with various types of tools for testing purposes.
In the next section, you will be reading a short description of who what my career goal is and what I want to pursue as a career goal
Hence, my career goal is to get into CyberSecurity/Hacking field and
bring a differnce to the universe. Also,
I’m currently holding a persoanl record of
haveing 1660 quotes written down and the
reason for writting inspiratiaonls quotes
is to not change the world, but to make a
difference! Thanks For Reading!